🚀 How Skilltree works

for managers

Simon Löwy

Last Update há 3 anos

In this article, we will give you a brief introduction to how Skilltree works and what value it can generate for your organization.

Skilltree is software that helps you manage the skills and talents of your employees, find people, and grow as a company together.

First of all, we have to clarify the term "Skill", because what a specific skill is will vary depending on who you ask. That's why every skill in Skilltree is represented by a badge. A badge can basically be anything such as knowledge, experience, complex competence profiles, employee interests, certificates, etc.

Every badge contains a description that can either be unified or customized for the purposes of your organization.

When we unite related badges within categories (or subcategories) we get a tree diagram which we also call Skilltree. You can navigate through this Skilltree by dragging it with your mouse and zooming with your mouse wheel.

Employees have their own profile, which they primarily manage themselves, but it is also possible that the profile is managed for them.

Employees themselves can suggest skills that have not been considered yet in Skilltree. That is why a Skilltree never stops growing and further develops in order to represent the existing skills of all employees in the best way possible.

Employees see growth potential in their individual profiles and are able to mark personal goals and interests - the motto is employee engagement in career development.

Besides specific HR topics, described in this help center, Skilltree can also help you to:
  • Enable an accurate and up-to-date catalog of competencies.
  • Capture hidden skills, talents, and interests.
  • Find internal competence resources -> internal job advertisement, succession planning, finding experts, finding training mentors, etc.
  • Digitalize further training opportunities/apprenticeship training.
  • Manage skill growth, succession planning, certificates, skill gaps, etc.
  • Engage employees in their career paths and facilitate employee retention.

Have fun exploring Skilltree and growing the skills of your employees 🚀

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