👤Your Account Settings
Simon Löwy
Last Update há 2 anos
The Account Settings consist of 4 items:
- General
- Organization
- Settings
- Email preference
You can add additional information about yourself to your profile. This helps others to get to know and contact you.
- Click in your profile picture in the top right corner and choose "My account"
- Switch through the tabs and complete your profile information
- Set your profile picture by clicking on it
- Hit the "Apply" button
Tip! You can also change your language settings in your profile.
The next tab is called "Organization". Here you can see the information about your department, position, and location. Only people with specific administration privileges can edit here, so make sure to keep that in mind.
The Settings page allows you to customize your Skilltree experience. Let's dive a bit deeper into this one:
- MySkilltree default look: The full (old) version displays your skill statically in a tree-like scheme. The interactive (new) version at first displays just two categories, which then further unfold as you click on them, providing a more visually simplified experience.
- MySkilltree default view: Here you can choose between displaying all skills and badges that are possible to have (All skills) or just those that you've already acquired (My Skilltree). My Skilltree depicts all skills acquired, suggested by the AI, allocated in the skill profile or recommended by colleagues.
- Language button: Self-explanatory enough, it allows you to switch between German and English. However, more languages are to come in the future when aspired by our customers.
- Skilltree Builder look: Here you can choose between the traditional branching scheme and the bullet list, quite alike to the format that this instruction is in.
Tip! You can also change your password on this page.
Email preference
Skilltree sends you updates about your individual Skilltree, so you don't miss any news. If your company's default settings do not match your preferred notification update frequency, you can change them here
According to your permission settings, three different email settings can be changed.
- Profile summaries inform you when your validation of a badge has been approved or rejected by a supervisor. When you propose a new skill, you will be informed if it has been accepted to the overall Skilltree or not. You will also receive messages about skill suggestions that your colleagues have recommended to you.
- Validation requests inform you when you need to validate a badge of one of your colleagues.
- Badge suggestions: You will receive these notifications only if you have permission for the Skilltree Builder. Here you will be notified by email when new skill suggestions arrive.
The frequency of the notifications can be set individually for each email setting.