๐ŸŽฏ Set goals

Simon Lรถwy

Last Update 2 years ago

Do you want to learn a new skill? Create goals and get approval from your supervisor directly in Skilltree.

Add goals

Click on the "Goals" field on the "MySkilltree" page and display your goals. A field will pop up. Here you can view and edit your goals.

Click on "Add new goal" to create a new goal.

You can add a

  1. title
  2. a description, explaining the goal you want to set.
  3. a reason text, explaining why you want to achieve this goal
  4. and a deadline for your goal. After that, choose a suitable
  5. badge that corresponds with the skill you want to learn.
  6. After that you can decide if the goal should only be visible for you or if it should be shared with your supervisor and confirmed. Check or uncheck the box as appropriate.

The built-in chat allows you to contact your supervisor to specify the details of the goal and get approval.

  1. Open your Goals as described in the first video of this tutorial.
  2. Choose the goal you want to talk about and click on the right on the icon that looks like a speech bubble.
  3. Write your message and click on "Send".ย 

Setting a goal is also important feedback for your organization. When many people have a common goal, training courses can be planned to help you learn the desired skill.

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