🔭 Find skills

Find colleagues

Nadja Weinzettl

Last Update 3 ปีที่แล้ว

Do you need help with a task, want to assemble a team or just want to know what your colleagues can do?

Just use the "Skill Finder".

Click on "Skill Finder" in the menu.

Enter a skill you are looking for in the search field or click on a badge to search for it. Select the level you are searching for. You can add an unlimited number of badges to the search.

Advanced filter settings:

  1. Click on advanced filters to specify your search. You can filter after locations, departments and the result type. Click apply filters.
  2. To start the search click add to search.
  3. Your results are shown in the field below.
  4. Click on a profile to see more details about your colleagues.

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